Remodeling of Council Room for the Ward Municipal Complex

The work includes General Construction, Mechanical Work, Plumbing Work and Electrical Work, all to be let under one prime contract.
Bid Documents (click to expand/collapse)
Hard copies of plans and specifications are available for purchase at contractor’s expense, or files may be downloaded for free from our online plan room. For questions about accessing the documents please contact Memphis Reprographics at 901-590-4862.
Download section as a Zip file free of charge
Name Size
001 T0-0 6.4 MB
002 T0-1 5.4 MB
003 T1-1 592.3 KB
004 A0-1 689.8 KB
005 A1-0 462.5 KB
006 A1-1 555.8 KB
007 A2-1 696.2 KB
008 A3-1 579.3 KB
009 MP001 373.9 KB
010 MP101 670.1 KB
011 MP201 719.5 KB
012 MP301 648.4 KB
013 E001 376.7 KB
014 E101 400.4 KB
015 E201 610.2 KB
016 E202 554.0 KB
017 E203 569.6 KB
018 E301 470.8 KB